Ember Student Mentor Programme


There is no ember team at present 2023-2024

The information provided here is some of the activities that were carried out by the ember team in the recent past.



Peer Support

The Chaplain works closely with the Ember Team, who are a group of 5th year students trained to serve as mentors for their peers in the school. Each Ember mentor is responsible for small groups of students in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Transition Years. They invite students to lunch, organise extra-curricular activities, deliver workshops on topics such as friendship, kindness, mindfulness and positive mental health, as well as offering words of encouragement and advice to their peers.


Lunch at the Library Club

The Ember Team oversee Lunch at the Library every Monday from 13.05 to 13.40. They encourage students to read and relax in a supportive space. Hot chocolate and snacks are served to the students who attend.


Friendship Day – Welcoming 1st Year Students to Rosmini

The Ember Team hot an annual Friendship Day to officially welcome 1st Year students to Rosmini. Students are invited to participate in activities that focus on developing their active listening, co-operation and problem-solving, which will help them to cope better with life in secondary school. The Ember mentors spent time getting to know students in informal setting. They encourage 1st years to be friendly, kind and respectful to others always.


Kindness Counts – Workshop for 2nd Year Students

The Ember Team will host an event titled Kindness Counts with the 2nd year students. The focus of this event will be on actively encouraging students to create a culture of kindness and compassion for both self and others in their words and actions at school.


Mindfully Me – Workshop for 3rd Year Students

The Ember Team will introduce the Junior Cert exam class to mindfulness practice. Students will learn how to be more aware of their thoughts by staying in the present moment. There will be activities to help students dissolve negative thoughts, be more attentive to the foods that they eat, learn to be more accepting of difficult emotions and enjoy a sensory rich experience of their surroundings.


These are just some of the wonderful activities that the Ember mentors organise for students in Rosmini Community School.




Criteria for selecting Ember Mentors

In April of each year, Transition Year students receive a presentation on our school’s Ember Mentor Programme. They are invited to submit applications to serve as mentors in the next academic year. Interviews are held to assess applicants’ interest in and vision for the Ember Programme in Rosmini. Approximately 6 students are selected as Ember mentors. These students undertake a three-day training programme run by the Archdiocese of Dublin and Scripture Union, which takes place in the last week of the school year. Students learn key skills of communication, teamwork, problem solving, delegation and organisation that will enable them to be effective leaders among their peer group in their role as Ember mentors.
