Leaving Cert Art Trip October 2021
Christmas Jumper Day 2020
Coding & Robotics Workshop 2020
Leaving Cert Geography Field Trip 2020 - Kippure
Young Social Innovator Presentation
JCSP Make a Book Initative - Day 2
JCSP Make a Book Initative - Day 1
Young Social Innovator's Den
Sarah's Bronze Gaisce Medal
ESB CV & Interview Workshops
2019 Photos
Christmas Celebrations 2019
U19 Basketball - (vs St Kevins) - DCU
Blessington Lake Walk - TY 2019
DCU Lego Robotics Workshop
Bee Exhibtion in Listoke Art Gallery
Learning about rhythm & timing in Music Class
Rosmini in Partnership with the ESB - Turlough Hill Trip 2019