Since September 2022 Rosmini Community School has been involved in the PTECH programme. In School at the moment Coding and Robotics short courses form the basis of the curriculum both for Junior Cycle and PTECH. PTECH was introduced following the Government launch of a major initiative for Dublin’s North East Inner City (NEIC) to oversee the long term, social and economic regeneration of the area. The Mulvey Report entitled “Dublin’s North East Inner City – Creating a Brighter Future” was published in February 2017 and made a number of recommendations. As part of this response, in November 2018, P-TECH was launched as a pilot programme with three post-primary schools in the NEIC of Dublin by the Taoiseach, Minister for Education and Minister for Finance. P-TECH is now in operation across five NEIC schools- St. Joseph’s CBS, Marino College, Larkin Community College, Rosmini Community School and O’Connell’s Secondary School – and has multiple industry partners supporting the programme.
The P-TECH School Model, pioneered by IBM, is an education initiative that combines post primary school with elements of further education (with modules which serve as credits if students choose to continue a specific level 6 P-TECH course after Leaving Certificate) and workplace experience. P-TECH requires a three-way partnership between school, higher/further education institution and industry partners, with each required to commit to the success of the school and its students. It includes a structured workplace learning strand with mentoring, worksite visits, speakers, project days, skills-based and paid internships. Whilst the acquisition of relevant IT skills in key areas are included in the course work, P-TECH also seeks to encourage and develop student’s problem solving and creativity and places emphasis on teamwork, collaboration and communication skills.